Spinal Decompression Treatment

Spinal Decompression Treatment

At Donay Chiropractic we offer spinal decompression treatment. Thanks to its non-invasive nature, patients can achieve these results with shorter recovery times and without the associated risks of surgery. The long-lasting benefits of spinal decompression remain, barring the occurrence of another injury. The effects of spinal decompression therapy have proven to be enduring. A decompression treatment gently lengthens and releases the spine through repetitive movements by the revolutionary HillDT Spinal Decompression table. As the table pulls and releases, a negative pressure change is created within the intervertebral disc, surrounding soft tissue and spinal joints. Spine injuries or degeneration of your spine can cause pain. You might feel pain from compression in your spine that puts pressure on your spinal cord or nerves. Spinal decompression seeks to relieve the pressure to ease the pain. Spinal decompression gently helps bulging or herniated discs return to their correct locations for long-term relief. Over time, decompression therapy may help your discs remain in place instead of continuing to migrate outside of their intended spots. The ultimate goal of spinal decompression therapy is to relieve the patient's chronic back, arm, neck, and/or leg pain, and to heal the source of pain.